Christmas Trading Hours

The Chakras

“According to ancient yogic philosophy, we are all a beautiful amalgamation of vibrational energy. It is said that you, me and everyone else each possess 7 bright, concentrated spirals or ‘wheels’ of energy known as chakras.” (Perfect Potion)

The function of the chakras is to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the body in balance. Sometimes though these spinning wheels can become stagnate and the energy flow stops. Any kind of physical, mental and emotional stress can lead to stagnation.

To live a rich full and vibrant life we sometimes need a Chakra tune up! Much like a tune-up enables a car to operate at peak efficiency, a chakra tune up can help us operate at peak efficiency.

Perfect Potion has developed a range of essential oil blends that can help with our Chakra tune up.

But which chakras need Tuning Up? A quick checklist can be found here to determine which is the first imbalanced Chakra.

Maybe you feel a little like me and find more than one chakra is imbalanced or blocked. This is because when one is blocked, the other chakras begin to compensate and either become overactive or under-active. The best way to start balancing them is to start at the root chakra and work your way up to the crown chakra.

If you find that the essential oil blends aren't enough to Tune up your Chakras some simple steps on balancing your chakras can be found here or you could book a Chakra Balance with Lorelle from Dimensional Healing in Mystic Garden


Root Chakra - Muladhara

Perfect Potion's Balance Chakra EO Blend. s grounding blend will help strengthen your root chakra and return to your centre. Balance chakra blend assists with meditation, promotes a sense of stability and enhances physical awareness. A beautiful syn…

Perfect Potion's Balance Chakra EO Blend. s grounding blend will help strengthen your root chakra and return to your centre. Balance chakra blend assists with meditation, promotes a sense of stability and enhances physical awareness. A beautiful synergy of patchouli, lavender, sweet orange, Atlas cedarwood, black pepper and vetiver pure essential oils. I have found you only need to add a few drops to your diffuser to start helping you feel secure and allowing you to believe the universe will provide.

The first chakra is the Root Chakra and is associated with the colour red.  The root chakra is located at the base of your spine.  It connects us with our physical body and surroundings and promotes feelings of stability and security. The word Muladhara breaks down into two Sanskrit words: Mula meaning “root” and Adhara, which means “support” or “base.”

When this chakra is balanced you feel supported, grounded and have a sense of connection and safety to the physical world.

If there is an imbalance in the root chakra you may experience anxiety disorders, fears, or nightmares about basic survival needs and the ability to provide for life’s necessities.

To help balance this chakra Perfect potion has developed the Balance Chakra Blend. This grounding blend will help strengthen your root chakra and return to your centre. Balance chakra blend assists with meditation, promotes a sense of stability and enhances physical awareness. A beautiful synergy of patchouli, lavender, sweet orange, Atlas cedarwood, black pepper and vetiver pure essential oils. I have found you only need to add a few drops to your diffuser to start helping you feel secure and allowing you to believe the universe will provide.


Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra)

Allure chakra Blend by Perfect Potion. Having this scent surround you will help make you feel adored and cherished and enable you to be creative and be playful. Featuring pure essential oils of mandarin, ylang ylang, patchouli, cardamom, sandalwood …

Allure chakra Blend by Perfect Potion. Having this scent surround you will help make you feel adored and cherished and enable you to be creative and be playful. Featuring pure essential oils of mandarin, ylang ylang, patchouli, cardamom, sandalwood and jasmine absolute, this beautiful sensual oil blend may assist with reducing stress and anxiety, while enhancing creative and sexual energy.

The second chakra is the Sacral (or sexual) Chakra and is associated with the colour orange.  The sacral chakra is located just below your navel. Our Sacral Chakra is given the Sanskrit name Svadhistana meaning ‘sweetness’. This chakra represents all that is sweet and vibrant in life. It represents our creative energy and is associated with the functions of our reproductive organs and sexual energy.

When this chakra is balanced, we have an ability to take risks, be creative and committed. We are passionate, sexual and outgoing.

When there is an imbalance with this chakra it can lead to an inability to commit in relationships, express our emotions, have fun or to be playful with our desires, be creative or to have pleasure or be pleasured. It can also lead to fears of impotence, betrayal, addictions.

To help balance this chakra Perfect Potion has developed the Allure chakra Blend. Having this scent surround you will help make you feel adored and cherished and enable you to be creative and be playful. Featuring pure essential oils of mandarin, ylang ylang, patchouli, cardamom, sandalwood and jasmine absolute, this beautiful sensual oil blend may assist with reducing stress and anxiety, while enhancing creative and sexual energy. 


Manipura (solar plexus) chakra

Harmony Chakra Blend. The scent of The Harmony Chakra Blend can help us feel calm and relaxed enabling us to find the balance we need to be confident and happy. The aromas of lemon, bergamot, juniper, frankincense, vetiver, Roman chamomile, and anis…

Harmony Chakra Blend. The scent of The Harmony Chakra Blend can help us feel calm and relaxed enabling us to find the balance we need to be confident and happy. The aromas of lemon, bergamot, juniper, frankincense, vetiver, Roman chamomile, and aniseed pure essential oils help strengthen your solar plexus chakra and relations with others. Harmony chakra blend encourages solution-finding and assists in our communication with others while creating a calm, balanced environment.

The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra and is associated with the colour yellow.  The solar plexus chakra is located at your solar plexus, between your navel and sternum. In Sanskrit, Manipura means ‘lustrous gem’. This chakra controls and manipulates incoming energy, it aligns your physical body to your spirit and intellect and is the centre for self esteem.

When this chakra is balanced, we feel self-respect and self-compassion. We feel in control, assertive and confident.

When this chakra is stagnate our inner critic comes out. We doubt ourselves and reduce our personal power and have low self esteem. We over control and manipulate situations. We become fearful of criticism and what others think.

To help balance this chakra Perfect potion have developed the Harmony Chakra Blend. The scent of The Harmony Chakra Blend can help us feel calm and relaxed enabling us to find the balance we need to be confident and happy. The aromas of lemon, bergamot, juniper, frankincense, vetiver, Roman chamomile, and aniseed pure essential oils help strengthen your solar plexus chakra and relations with others. Harmony chakra blend encourages solution-finding and assists in our communication with others while creating a calm, balanced environment. 


Anahata (Heart Chakra)

To help balance this chakra Perfect Potion have developed the Compassion Chakra blend. When it all becomes too much allow the scent of lavender, ylang ylang, bergamot, may chang, rose absolute, and neroli open our hearts and allow us to feel uncondi…

To help balance this chakra Perfect Potion have developed the Compassion Chakra blend. When it all becomes too much allow the scent of lavender, ylang ylang, bergamot, may chang, rose absolute, and neroli open our hearts and allow us to feel unconditional love towards our self and others.

The fourth chakra is the heart chakra and is associated with the colour green. The heart chakra is located located at the heart centre. This chakra is connected with forgiveness and compassion – unconditional love through which we accept another for doing their best. Sanskrit word for the fourth chakra is Anahata, which means “unhurt.” Anahata is the gateway between our lower and upper chakras. .

When this chakra is balanced we feel joy, gratitude, love and compassion, forgiveness flows freely and trust can be gained.

When this chakra becomes stagnate we can tend to over love to the point of suffocation. We fear loneliness which leads to more over loving. We can become overly jealous and angry and hurt.

To help balance this chakra Perfect Potion have developed the Compassion Chakra blend. When it all becomes too much allow the scent of lavender, ylang ylang, bergamot, may chang, rose absolute, and neroli open our hearts and allow us to feel unconditional love towards our self and others.


Vishuddha (Throat Chakra)

to help balance this chakra Perfect potion have developed the Expressive Chakra Blend. Use this oil to help strengthen your personal power to articulate your thoughts, ideas and emotions with pure essential oils of sweet orange, sandalwood, basil, f…

to help balance this chakra Perfect potion have developed the Expressive Chakra Blend. Use this oil to help strengthen your personal power to articulate your thoughts, ideas and emotions with pure essential oils of sweet orange, sandalwood, basil, frankincense, and German chamomile.

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra and is associated with the colour sapphire blue.  The throat chakra corresponds to the thyroid gland, and is the centre for expressive communication and self expression. The Sanskrit word means pure place, the place of intuition, clarity, spiritual truth.

When this chakra is balanced, we have free flowing words, expression and communication. We are honest and truthful yet firm. We are good listeners.

When we are out of balance, in this chakra, we can suffer from lack of self expression, either in the written word or the spoken word (writers block!). We feel out of control and have no willpower or even choice.

To help balance this chakra Perfect potion have developed the Expressive Chakra Blend. Use this oil to help strengthen your personal power to articulate your thoughts, ideas and emotions with pure essential oils of sweet orange, sandalwood, basil, frankincense, and German chamomile.  


Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra

o help balance this chakra Perfect potion have developed the Insight Chakra Blend. Diffusing the scent of pure essential oils of bergamot, lavender, rosemary, clary sage, fragonia and sage will help you use your intuition to enhance your understandi…

o help balance this chakra Perfect potion have developed the Insight Chakra Blend. Diffusing the scent of pure essential oils of bergamot, lavender, rosemary, clary sage, fragonia and sage will help you use your intuition to enhance your understanding of the world.

The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra and is associated with the colour indigo.  It is located above the bridge of your nose and is related to your higher mental and intuitive abilities.  It has the Sanskrit name Ajna, meaning ‘to know. This chakra enables us to follow our intuition as we open up to new ideas and our imagination.

When this chakra is balanced we feel clear, focused, and can determine between truth and illusion. We are open to receiving wisdom and insight.

When this chakra wheel stops spinning we become day dreamers and have over active imaginations. We have an inability to learn from others, we can be moody and volatile.

To help balance this chakra Perfect potion have developed the Insight Chakra Blend. Diffusing the scent of pure essential oils of bergamot, lavender, rosemary, clary sage, fragonia and sage will help you use your intuition to enhance your understanding of the world.


Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra

To help balance this chakra Perfect potion have developed the Cosmic Chakra Blend. The scent of lavender, lime, frankincense and Australian sandalwood. with enhance your spiritual connection and raise your vibration. The Cosmic Chakra Blend can help…

To help balance this chakra Perfect potion have developed the Cosmic Chakra Blend. The scent of lavender, lime, frankincense and Australian sandalwood. with enhance your spiritual connection and raise your vibration. The Cosmic Chakra Blend can help make you feel serene and at peace.

The seventh chakra is the crown chakra and is associated with the colour violet. It is located slightly above the top of your head, it represents enlightenment and self-realisation.  It provides you with the highest level of spiritual knowledge – a deep understanding of who and what you truly are. Sahasrara, meaning ‘thousand petal lotus’ and is considered one of the highest vibrational centres in the subtle body.

When this chakra is balanced, we live in the present moment. We have an unshakeable trust in our inner guidance.

When this chakra is unbalanced with can have issues with self-knowledge and greater power. Imbalances arise from rigid thoughts on religion and spirituality, constant confusion, carry prejudices, “analysis paralysis.” A Fear of alienation and great sadness.

To help balance this chakra Perfect potion have developed the Cosmic Chakra Blend. The scent of lavender, lime, frankincense and Australian sandalwood. with enhance your spiritual connection and raise your vibration. The Cosmic Chakra Blend can help make you feel serene and at peace.


A Chakra imbalance can affect an you, both physically and emotionally. Don't let your imbalances continue. Use one of Perfect Potion's Essential oil blends or try these easy methods, to help you move into a better way or book in with Lorelle from Mystic Garden for a Chakra Balance