Sharing my vegetable gardening experiences with you so hopefully you don't make the same mistakes as me.
Read MoreHow Do I choose what Seeds to Plant?

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Brassall QLD 4305
(07) 3201 8630
Tue-Sun 9am - 4pm
Sharing my vegetable gardening experiences with you so hopefully you don't make the same mistakes as me.
Read MoreSweet Peas are a fragrant spring flowering annual, native to Italy. They have one of the most enchanting flowers, delicate and fragrant, perfect in garden or admired in a vase. Learn how to grow Sweet Peas in Ipswich.
Read MoreFennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is actually part of the carrot family. It has yellow flowers and light green feathery foliage (just like a carrot). The whole plant can be eaten. It is native to The Mediterranean but it grows easily all over the world.
Read MoreThe Dirty Dozen, a list of the fruits and vegetables likely to contain the highest amounts of pesticide residue. You can plant many of these at home.
Read MoreGreen manure crops are crops grown not to be harvested but instead to be incorporated into the soil before they reach maturity to contribute to the health of the soil.
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